Hello friends, welcome to my new blog. Here, I'll update about all that is happening in my life in the UK. Do follow up and keep in contact with me!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Weather: Occasional drizzle, can't feel the temperature cuz I was dressed in thick layers today. Not sure why I did that, probably just feel like keeping warm.
Mood: Happy.

Wanted to wake up earlier this morning to make breakfast before school but as usual, woke up just in time to rush off for lessons instead. =X

Lecture was fine generally but one of the Yr 4 mod is really tough and I can't really understand. It's time to read up.

Met up with Christine and Emily for dinner at Dirty Duck before the movie screening. For the 5th time I'm eating Fish&Chips since when I first arrived at UK, I still find that the standard is so-so only. Even Swensen's serve better food. I think it's just the local taste. I miss chicken chop! How weird it is that I have yet to see a menu serving chicken chop, which is like the most common western food in singapore. U have them in like over 4 canteens on NTU alone, but not here. Haha. I'm not actually complaining. Just wanted to share my experience and thoughts in case people think that I'm shouldnt be grumbling, should 入乡随俗 etc. But in the first place I don't have to care right. this is my blog. I blog it the way I like it to be. =)

So anyway, there was this movie screening by the ERASMUS society in one of the lecture halls in the humanities building. The movie titled "Les Poupees Russes" (The Russian Dolls) was approximately 2.5hrs long. Kinda draggy and boring at first but as the story builds up, it's quite meaningful. Afterall, what's there not to like about a free movie with good company. =D

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