Hello friends, welcome to my new blog. Here, I'll update about all that is happening in my life in the UK. Do follow up and keep in contact with me!

Monday, February 22, 2010

23/02/2010 - counting down 2 weeks to the start of exams!

Weather: Dry but cold day, ~1 degrees celcius.
Mood: Super sleepy.

I felt so proud of myself. Every morning when my 2 alarms ring, I'll never fail to automatically reach for the snooze button. YET this morning, I actually woke up at 8am to Wondergirl - Nobody song which I had set as my alarm tone on the phone last night. Hmm, could that be the remedy for my 赖床的坏习惯? Lesson was at 9.05am so I actually had time eat cereal with milk for breakfast. Finally... ...

But I'm really very sleepy today! Yesterday night was the 1st time I suffered from insomnia after a month plus that I've been here. I could still remember how well I slept on my first night in Rootes residence. No problem at all! Natural air-conditioning, comfy bed, warm blanket, quiet hallways...


Warm and humid.

Counting down 2 weeks to exam. I foresee myself to be hanging around my favourite place alot. @.@

YES. The library...

So after the 50min Polymer Chemistry lecture, I found myself a nice, conducive spot on level 5 of the library. It's alway like that ah.. The highest level will always be the SILENT FLOOR, just like in NTU. One thing I love most about Warwick's library is that there's always plenty of seats available for one to occupy. ALWAYS. On each level there'll be a few study areas and you won't be standing around hoping someone will leave for lessons so you can take the place.

NTU, time for a change. Probably that's what they intend to do with the old canteen A? Expand the libray. AND hopefully the collection of reference books available for borrowing too...

Anyway, I was so tempted to head back to hall and 补眠 since my next lesson will be at 3.05pm. But I'm feeling the need to make an effort to study now, even though my day wasn't productive yet again.

It's hard being the only exchange student this term studying Chemistry, and Chemistry being the only department that has its exams so soon in March! Which means.......I have to study now while the rest of the exchange students are out every weekend touring and partying.
Even though it's just S/U and not graded, I couldn't possibly take chances and not study at all?! Especially now that I haven't even study enough to be confident that I can pass. =S

I couldn't agree more with my coursemate who commented that they(Chemistry dept) should change the system. I'm only here in January, attended lessons till Feb, less than a month since now the yr 3 modules have already ended and it's exam preparation period.

So come to think of it, I only had 6 weeks of lesson and it's (final) exam? Minus off the 1st week when I missed so many lectures because my timetable wasn't finalised and minus off the time I needed to adapt to the teaching style AND minus off the time I spent to enjoy like what an exchange student would do.. =X

I'm left with such few moments that I'm really learning and absorbing from lectures. Damn.
Perhaps I would be better off if I utilize my time studying instead of grumbling here.

Right. That's what I'll start to do. =)

Annoying business aside, I realised something interesting that's going on in school.

Apparently, it's the campaign period for the potential Student Union leaders this week and as usual, you'll see campaigners putting up posters and giving a speech in the LT before lectures, just like in NTU.

But the amusing thing is that, lots of the posters and phamplets had things written like:

These are some of the factors which the potential leaders claim to be able to provide under their leadership. Well, no one seemed to be as amused as I am, but I'm actually quite disturbed.
Well, such is their open-ess. (even on campus!)
And look what I discovered at the health centre on campus at the start of the term.
This might be nothing interesting to my UK friends, but friends in Singapore..I wonder what's your thought upon seeing this? Haha!


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