Hello friends, welcome to my new blog. Here, I'll update about all that is happening in my life in the UK. Do follow up and keep in contact with me!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Weather: It says on my hp that it is -3 degrees now but I'm not sure if it's that cold since I didn't step outside.
Mood: Feeling a little too energetic and alert to sleep!

Freaking crazy! It's 1 AM now and the fire alarm in Rootes Residence had just sounded AGAIN.

It's the 2nd time today, 1st alarm was at 10pm, but I was feeling too lazy to go down for both times. I really wonder why does the alarm in Rootes sound so often. Isit really a planned fire drill? (not at 1Am I supposed?) or some prankster might have pulled the lever.

In any case, I peered from behind my drawn curtains and there are really many people who went downstairs/outside the building upon hearing the alarm! Stupid isnt it?

It's 1AM! And it's COLD!


Oh! Anyway! I tried cooking 姜葱炒猪腰 with chicken today! It was 50% successful. LOL!
I've been craving for the 腰子面线 in Singapore so the other day while shopping at TESCO I chanced upon pig's kidney and decided to buy it.

The end product tasted good. BUT the problem is the kidney came as a whole and I have to clear the organ myself which is so difficult to cut! so in the end I used only 20-30% of the meat which was on the surface (if u get what i mean).

(Photos added on later)

It was quite a bloody situation, not sure if I've frightened my angmoh floormates. =X

Hehe I still have the other side of the kidney since it comes in a pair. Shall consult the pro (mummy) before I try cooking again. Wahaha!

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