Hello friends, welcome to my new blog. Here, I'll update about all that is happening in my life in the UK. Do follow up and keep in contact with me!

Friday, February 26, 2010


TADA! My 20-inch luggage is really useful!
It's really torturous to lug the heavy groceries from TESCO back hall and the pain in my back and shoulders is killing me! The lugguage really made life easier. This looks quite kiasu but I was actually inspired by other students, some even brought a much larger luggage! I wonder how they carry it up the stairs if it gets so heavy.

Right, I went grocery-shopping this evening and bought alot of food to stock up because I'm lazy to walk to TESCO too often. Haha! 24 items big & small total up to a bill of 31.97 pounds. Expensive right. I was shocked too cuz I was happily grabbing what I feel like eating. Haha, but as long as I do not leave them to expire and throw away, it's not a waste! =D

I did alot of housekeeping today, did grocery and also laundry in the afternoon. I'm seriously starting to hate doing laundry, the walking and waiting is such a chore man!
But I cant seem to store my worn clothes up to 2 weeks before washing like what most of my friends did, because it just piles up and it's annoying to see them piling up!

This is the common laundrette just 1 minute walk away from my residence. It's near isn't it, but it's just that I live on the 4th floor and climbing the stairs is definitely not one of my favourite sport.

Oh anyway! I was loading my clothes in the washing machine and tried to insert the pound into the coin slot but it just keeps getting rejected. JUST NICE, this Uncle (singaporean context) who apparently was the serviceman or someone who deals with the machines, happened to be around. So I seeked his help and to my surprise, he meddled with the machine (insert key, push some buttons etc), returned me the 1pound which was rejected from the machine and simply said:

"Ok, you just need to press the button." (without any facial expression)

I was like "HUH?" for a moment, and then quickly regained my senses and knew what he meant. He's SO NICE! He actually helped me start the washing machine for FREE!
Lady luck doesn't shine everyday you know. =)

He wasn't even smiling or expecting a thank-you. He just continued with his business.. cool right. But of cuz being such and nice and polite gal =Xx I walked over and thanked him lah. Haha!

The waiting area for people to chill and rest while waiting for their clothes to finish washing/drying.
I wanted to fully utilised the time while waiting for the drying cycle to save one trip back and fro the residence. So I made myself a bento (Fung's/chinese style) for lunch and ate while waiting.
The drying cycle was approximately 50mins but I finished up my food in like 10 mins?? Guess I was too hungry. so in the end I had more than half an hour to wait and ended up dozing off...

But I was kinda fully prepared, brought along my charger to charge iphone and ipod so I could bring them to lessons later on. LOL! Kiasu-ism yet again.

I cooked 人参鸡汤 for dinner today! It was super delicious!
Herbal packet posted to me from SG!

Initially when I boiled the herbal filter packet with chicken drumsticks, it tasted quite bland. After adding some 调味料, mushroom and chinese cabbage, the soup became really sweet and tasty!
Like playing masak-masak. Cooking is so fun! Somemore this is delicious and easy to cook and won't stink you hair. LOL!

Ate it with rice and was really full after the meal. Although the rice wasn't that good, I cooked it with too much water. =X abit too sticky. But with such nice soup, don't matter lah.

Shared it with my neighbour Tiffany, who's a friendly gal from HK. She's a full-time student in Warwick though. Good company makes good food tastier. =)

I'm feel as if I'm stocking up for winter LOL! So much food so happy!
But these few days I've been missing things from my fridge and cupboard. Stupid, annoying people have been stealing my eggs, fork, hotdogs and even Pak Choi u know!!! Damn cheapo.
Hope they get diarrhoea from eating my food. Evil right? Please loh, they deserve it.


  1. Well done on the cooking. Looks good. =)
    You're really lucky on the laundry. And thats alot of food. I like your bento and the idea of using a luggage bag! =D

  2. HAHAH! my bento is quite nice although there's no meat, suitable for u!!! but got egg lehx.. r u vegetarian or vegan? =)
