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Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter trip Day 17 - Vienna, Austria

It seems like Vienna has become the pit stop for our trip instead of Salzburg. Out of the 3 days we're in Vienna, 2 of the days collided with the Easter holiday and the shops along the streets are all closed, except for the tourist attractions like museums and arts performances. 

It didn't affect us that much actually since shopping wasn't our agenda in the first place. The main issue that affected us was the difficulty in finding restaurants for meals since shops are closed.

Yesterday evening, we bought standing tickets to watch an opera at Staatsoper (states opera house), my first opera experience which was terrible! 

This is going to surprise u but merely 20mins into the show, people are falling asleep or getting up to leave the theatre even though it was a 5 hours opera!    

Firstly it was the language barrier. The opera was staged in German and the story itself is really boring.  For half an hour the actors were all old and ugly men, visually unappealing. I already forgot the name of the opera but i'm glad that we're not the only ones who didn't appreciate the opera. Fortunately the ticket cost only €4.

Today, we slept quite alot and woke up only after 10.30am. We were supposed to visit Schönbrunn palace with our new found friends from Taiwan and Egypt but the weather was just so bad we had to forgo the plan. It was raining and the wind is typhoon-like, could almost uproot my hair and skin. lol! 

I really didn't expect such weather in Europe at this month so the clothes which I brought along are not entirely suitable. The temperature now seems ok but it's the killer wind that frozen us. 

We decided to visit the palace tomorrow so all we did today was to walk out to the city centre to buy the tickets for the Vienna concert, chill at starbucks then head back to hostel to hide from the bad weather. Hostel Ruthensteiner is really a great place to simply chill, keep warm and male friends. =D

In the evening we had dinner at a Chinese cum sushi buffet but it was horrible. The food was stale probably kept too long cuz there was hardly any business, but the auntie was a nice person. The guys were funny, after having such a terrible meal, they keep wanting to pretend that the dinner never occurred cuz it was a "horrifying experience" LOL!

In the evening, we watched a concert by the Vienna Residenz Orchestra which comprised of a small band, ballet, opera and waltz performance. It was amazing! They played really beautiful pieces by W.A Mozart and John Strauss! I had a good view of the pretty flautist lady and could marvel at her fast fingerings! 

It was my first time watching a live ballet performance and I was entirely captivated by their elegant moves. I wanna watch a full ballet in near future, probably The Nutcracker or Swan Lake!!!

The theatre wasn't very big, unlike yesterday's state opera house but it was entirely worth the €29 and most importanly, I really enjoyed the concert. Finally felt that... 


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