Hello friends, welcome to my new blog. Here, I'll update about all that is happening in my life in the UK. Do follow up and keep in contact with me!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


Weather: Sunny + Windy
Mood: Quite awake


*shrieks shockingly like as if I haven't been looking at the calender -.-*

Yes time passes really quickly. Before I realise I'd have finished the exams, gone on the easter trip, completed the research project and be back in Singapore! Home sweet home. Then I'll start missing UK, miss all the weekend trips in this big big world (compared to teeny weeny SG), miss my new-found friends, miss life in Warwick, miss being independent, miss the vast freedom etc.

Last night was kind of like the first time I miss my friends back in SG so much. Even though I have made many friends here in england, the feeling is just different from being with the friends you already know for a long time.

I have to admit that people are generally more friendly and loving here in the UK. The international students tend to be more open-minded and accepting, more generous with their hugs and praises. However, I just miss the feeling of being around my good old friends, where I am absolutely comfortable just being myself knowing we share the same culture and experiences.

Don't get me wrong now. I have never ever harbour a slight regret on coming for this exchange and I really need to thank my family for funding me financially, giving me the opportunity for this wonderful once-in-a-lifetime experience. It's really an eye-opener and I've learnt many things that I never knew or bothered about before. I've definitely grown from it.

I was feeling so nostalgic last night and it suddenly dawned upon me that I have held back my feelings too much in the past, being too nonchalant about many things which I could have expressed/ observed. Anyway, I just like to do a few shoutouts here:

I miss you! 8OfUs, Jas&Ade, JC clique, CBC clique! ^^

Wonder how many of u actually read my blog but I hope we have many more beautiful times to spend with each other after I am back in Sg.

Feeling bothered about the fact that I'll be in Year 4 Sem 1 by the time I return to Sg and there's only 1 semester left to spend with my dear CBC peeps. Might not even see some of them since they'll be doing IA/FYP in Sem 1. Gosh, how time flies. I'm aging. =(

Anyway, was just chatting with WJ on msn just now and he told me about the El Nino weather effect which hits Singapore as well as other SEA countries & Western Australia. I'm really glad to be enjoying the cool weather here in UK but at the same time empathize my loved ones back at home. Haix. What's the world coming to. I hope I wont have to witness doomsday in my lifetime, or at least this life.

Everyone in Sg, please drink more water and take Vitamin C (it helps!) to prevent falling sick during this hot weather period.....

Talking about weather, I think the season is officially changing to Sping. My hopes for more snow are now dashed. It was so sunny when I went for lessons today and the temperature was alright. I could simply pullover a think hoodie with jeans and pumps. But as usual, strong wind is the killer.

Most of the girls here, whether local or not, dress up really very nicely for school even during winter. So I'm quite sure I'll be seeing more and more fashionistas when Spring and Summer sets in. Haiz. The fashion scene in Sg might take years before it can become decent. But can't really blame Sgporeans can we? The weather is just so warm most people would simply opt for basics and the classic 背心短裤。I hate to see people wearing FBT to shopping malls though. So unsightly!

After being here for 2 months, I've observed many interesting details about the different way of life here as compared to sg, be it in general or specific to University life. It's just so hard for me to recall at times when I finally feel like blogging. STM. Lol.

Oh, I don't know if you people share the same sentiments but Sg can't live without a handphone? When you walk around NTU, you tend to see everyone holding their phones or being busy on it etc. Here, I dont really see that much of the trend. Same goes for listening music on MP3 too! If you walk down the aisle on the Level 5 of the library in NTU. Who doesnt have his earphones stuck in his ears? (of cuz not everyone) I'm just portraying the fact that people here doesnt seem to be as heavily dependent on their IT gadgets, at least from what I observed.

Well........ I've blabbered quite a mouthful today. Shall really start doing work SOON, before it's dinner time again! Eat eat eat.......................... = FAT.

Loves from UK~


  1. Haha.. You're not the only one. Knowing I'll be going to UK has led me to treasure what time I have here. Love my lifestyle here. All the little things that matter here. Take care!

  2. yah u should. Especially since it's ur last sem with the clique since most are doing IA/FYP second sem. AND U KNOW WHAT! I realised I wont be seeing u at all on campus for the next 1.5 years! Cuz when I go back Singapore, U'll be coming here. When you go back sch, I'll be doing IA/FYP. Oh man.... =(
