Hello friends, welcome to my new blog. Here, I'll update about all that is happening in my life in the UK. Do follow up and keep in contact with me!

Saturday, March 13, 2010



I feel irritated by myself. Usually when I say I am going to study, I will at least utilize 30% of the time to work though the other 70% of the time usually end up diverting attention to other stuffs or daydream. I have short attention span. =(

But today! I totally didnt do any work!!! Should have gone London to meet JH & YL instead. Previously I thought I'd be busy studying for Monday's exam, but in the end have no mood to do so at all. I hope it's not my complacency acting up after yesterday's easy paper. It's almost the end of the day. I hate myself for having no sense of urgency and always cramming things into my head at the last minute. Hmmm.

I had a great dinner though! One of my exchange friends made Korean BBQ pork for dinner and it was so delicious and filling!!!
아주 맛있어요!

I accidentally deleted the other photo which I took with my friends. So dumb! Didn't really take much photos cuz our hands were all dirty from wrapping the meat with veg and kimchi. Haha.

I wanna learn how to make the bbq pork after easter! ^^

It's hard to believe that I'll be embarking on the easter trip exactly one week from now. NEXT SATURDAY! How am I going to pack my luggage for such a long trip.


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