Hello friends, welcome to my new blog. Here, I'll update about all that is happening in my life in the UK. Do follow up and keep in contact with me!

Friday, March 12, 2010


Today's exam was a breeze!!!

How many times have you heard me exclaim this from the time you first know me? Not often right? Haha! But I just had the easiest exam today and I'm feeling so high about it! Not because I just need to pass, but to be fair in judging, the paper is fairly easy and so much less demanding than the exam in Singapore.

Only half an hour into the exam and I have already scored more marks than I needed to pass. The thing is you know how we always rush like mad to finish a chemistry paper in NTU right. Over here, the number of question is really little and the marks allocated are so high! Hmm say for example I had this question today:Define DNA ligase. [10 marks]

In NTU,if u see such high weightage, you'll probably be writing out an essay on whatever detail that is related to DNA ligase. But for this exam, all you have to do is define is 2-3 sentence max.

Because I only need to pass, I have to admit that I didn't bother cracking out my head out trying to solve those questions without obvious answers. For the first time in my life, I actually have so much time in the exam that I started thinking about what to cook for dinner tonight! LOL.

I wonder how would exchange students feel about NTU CBC... they must have been depressed by the examination standard in Singapore.
BUT! I am still quite worried about the 1st paper Bio-inorg which I struggled through. My friends told me wont fail one lah.. but anything is possible right? =X

Yay! Some random pictures I took today. (I didnt realise that iphone can take such good resolution pics!)

On the way to Gibbet Hill... The route looks so deserted and for a moment I thought I have lost my way.

My not-enough-sleep + geeky specs face. cui. (the angle of this pic looks terrible because it's just so hard to 自拍 using iphone. Don't you think so?)

I haven't seen any horses on the road yet! Are there really people using horses as transportation!!?!? (oops my finger..)

Today's exam venue is at Gibbet Hill Medical School. Again, I haven't explored that part of the campus before so today was a good opportunity.

Many of my friends warned me that the gibbet hill campus is really far and requires lots of walking. I was kind of scared I'd get lost, so I asked my floormates for directions and specially left hall 50mins before the start of exam so as to make sure I won't be late. In the end....

LOL! Apparently, I am well-trained by NTU's North-South spine's walk and this is not far at all! Probably because the gibbet hill is JUST BEHIND rootes residence area and the hill steepness is nothing compared to NTU's route up to the SAO/ Cafe Al-fresco man.

Hmm, I really love the peace and serenity of the park/lake along the gibbet hill road. Should probably go explore again during spring/summer time. =D

Anyway, up till now 5 of my Singaporean friends have asked whether I know about the latest news of Jack Neo's scandal. LOL! YES I KNOW! In fact, I've been keeping track ever since the 1st news article of his scandal was published online. I'm so disappointed and disgusted, to think that I've always regarded him as a very good family man, respectable film maker, singapore's pride. PUI. Totally failed as a husband AND father. He's equivalent to Sg's Tiger wood's but just the disgusting version because he targets young girls! Such is the trend man...老牛吃嫩草。And the 草seem to be more and more 嫩,牛seem to be more and more 老。Haiz...

Really regret not getting the Fujifilm Instax before coming over. Or should I wait for POLAROID to reproduce their cams and films once again since there're news that they would do so in year 2010? Their films are really expensive though...

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